“Oh you’re writing a book? That’s fantastic! I have another friend who wrote a book but they said it was REALLY hard to get it published. How are you going to market it? There’s so many books out there, how are you gonna get people to buy yours? Yadda, Yadda, Yadda.” Have you heard this or something similar before? Many people are skeptics by nature. Yes, they might be coming from a good place; looking out for your “best interest,” but THEY and THEIR FRIENDS, are not YOU.
If you want it, you have to approach it from an optimistic, ambitious, and tenacious place. Believe me, you WILL need to be if you want to be successful. Whether you’re writing a book, a screenplay, poetry, or doing anything else outside of the norm, YOU have to be your own cheerleader and block out the naysayer’s and skeptics. Furthermore, make sure your core support system is actually SUPPORTIVE! Having a mate that is wishy washy about your talent, disinterested and/or displays jealousy or fear about where your potential success may lead you, is a hard hurdle to jump.
If you spent weeks, months, or years developing and revamping your masterpiece, should Jane or John Doe’s failure’s discourage you from succeeding with your dreams? Never let the doubts of a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, sibling or parent squelch your desire to TRY. Why? Because insecurity breeds insecurity and everyone who has EVER succeeded at something has had to overcome insecurities about their talent. (Except maybe Kanye West. LOL)
Don’t get me wrong, knowing and acknowledging possible pitfalls is important; however, they shouldn’t discourage you from trying anymore than another person’s experience should. Sometimes, even those that love you fear the potential of your success will overshadow them. THAT can be a dangerous person in your camp.
Example: My first book BEHIND CLOSED DOORS has been out for 2 weeks. I had some obstacles to dodge in self publishing, marketing, and self confidence. I’m human; BUT, in that short period of time I’ve sold over 100 books in ebook and paperback (not including free copies) via tenacity and word of mouth. Two days ago I began connecting with bloggers, other authors and people whose book review will have a major impact on my reputation and sales. Already the feedback has been great!
My advice: 8 Tips to jump starting book promotions and ignoring skeptics
1. Get a website to promote your book, script, movie, poems, etc.
2. Become active in groups, people and organizations that have similar interests or contacts that can impact your readership.
3. Market on Facebook.com, Goodreads.com, Linkedin.com, Twitter.com, blogger websites, radio stations, book clubs, anywhere and everywhere!
4. Don’t express any doubt about the quality or benefits of your product.
5. Hear to what the naysayers have to say because even a broken clock is right twice a day; but don’t LISTEN to anything that isn’t beneficial.
6. Keep a strong support base and know that you may have to replace or lose some people in your lives in order to succeed.
7. Ignorant, ambitious people come a dime a dozen. Research, be a sponge, and GET READY TO WORK to get your product noticed.
8. Do you have a full time job? So what. So do I; but if your full time job isn’t writing, YOU GOT WORK TO DO!
Good luck!