HQ: Do you respect your spouse’s wishes after death?
HQ: Can your mate’s use suicide threats to control them?
HQ: Do you cover for your cheating off spring?
HQ: Can you change if your spouse asks you to?
HQ: Do your friends change when your relationship status changes?
HQ: Who’s your daddy?
HQ: Do you have to mold a date into the relationship of your dreams?
HQ: Who controls the window seat on the airplane?
HQ: Do you care if your mate’s kids are attractive?
HQ: Do politics affect your moral obligations?
HQ: Can your daddy get an organ?
HQ:Do you trust the school to discipline your kids?
HQ: When are your kids old enough to have sex in your house?
HQ: More than a woman, less than a man?
HQ: Do you see if it was cold feet or think you already know it?
HQ: Who would get to go on a trip?
HQ: Should your spouse have all access?
HQ: Can you be a comforting friend on your birthday?
HQ: Should people have to identify a gender on their birth certificate?
HQ: Is all fair in love and card games?